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Chapters of Hope, filling children's minds with knowledge and dreams

Deseret Book, with help from its customers, has put books into the hands of tens of thousands of children worldwide; in fact, nearly 50,000 books have been shipped to areas such as Ghana, the Pacific Islands, Russia, Eastern Europe, and most recently to Zimbabwe… places where there is limited access to books.

Letters from the children of Zimbabwe:

Dear members of latter day saints,

My name is Kofi. I am nine years old. I live at Ridge near K.K.C.L. The name of my father is Kwesi Assan-Brew. The name of my mother is Grace Assan-Brew. The name of my school is Burma Camp Basic School. I am in class four. I choose to come to the library because I want to be clever. I read books and fix puzzles at the library. The library has changed me to become a good reader. My favourite book is Sika in the Snow. My favourite food is rice and stew. The game I like best is football.

I thank you for the beautiful books.

From Kofi


Dear members of latter day saint,

I am very grateful to write to you. I'm a boy of thirteen years of age. I'm also in the Junior Secondary School (JSS).

I choose to come to the library because it improves children's ability to learn. Also it helps children to learn in a peaceful condition. The library also helps illiterate to read and write. There are different activities done at the library such as sack races, filling the bottle, cultural dancing which is sponsored by a Canadian donor, fixing puzzles. The puzzles at the library are brought by donors all over the world to express their appreciation to the library.

I would like to thank you for your great and wonderful prize you gave to the library. Thus donating storybooks to the library. We are very happy for the donation. We thank you for helping the library develop and have more books. May the Almighty God bless you all.

Thank you,

Obed Hgyepong

Thank you very much!!!


Dear members of latter days Saints,

I am Asantewaa. I am twelve years of age. I school at the Ringway Estate J.S.S. and I'm in J.S.S. My favorite food is banku with smoked tilapia and pepper. I am a librarian and I like the books you donated to the library, but my favorite book at the library is The Necessity of Educating the Girl Child.

Thank you very much for the books and may God richly bless you for your good doings, and from all the members of Kathy Knowles Community Library, we all say thank you once again.

Thanks from,



Dear Members of Latter,

I am happy to write you this letter. I hope by the grace of God you are fine. My name is Juliana Noafky Antonio and in class five. I am ten years of age. I come to the library to read and learn.

The book I like best is Beauty and the Beast, Rumpelstiltskin, Rapunzel, Thumbelina and Sleeping Beauty. I live at Praso at the central region. I am a girl. I have two brothers and I am the girl among them. The name of my brothers are Daniel Antonio and David Antonio. I school at Asu Presby Girls Primary School. The library has changed me. Every day I come to the library to learn and every day if I don't come to library once, I cannot stay in the house.

The food I like best is fried rice with chicken. Thanks for every thing you have done for us. May God bless you.

Yours Sincerely,



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Chapters of Hope, filling children's minds with knowledge and dreams

Nearly 50,000 books have been shipped to areas such as Ghana, the Pacific Islands, Russia, Eastern Europe, and most recently to Zimbabwe… read more